NBDCA/NAGDA CH Lucky Jake's Golden Cody JH,WC

OFA Good / Elbow Normal/ CERF Normal
June 25, 2000 - March 12, 2011

A dog who defines your life.
Cody did not have the most spectacular pedigree, he was born in a backyard in Hanford. We really wanted a chocolate puppy, but this chunky little yellow boy would not leave my shoes alone and well, it was love at first sight. Being newly weds, we were excited over our new baby. If I can say spoiled, well that was our little guy. Cody slept in bed and was so funny. He loved his mommy so much. When Scott came to bed he would move from the foot to lay up on Scott's pillow and nip at him until he would move over and Cody could kiss mommy. He caught parvo as a puppy and scared us to death. He survived and became even more of a precious baby. I trained with him every day and he had an amazing nose for birds. Little stinker could follow any trail and had no fear. Well no fear of anything but the freezing water. He was smart and said that he would wait until it was warmer to learn to swim. It took me and Scott both getting wet to get him to swim. Later you could not keep him out of it!
Time passed and our daughter Brenna was born. Cody loved "the baby". You could tell him to go check on her and he would. He would tell us if she was awake or still sleeping. Big brother was on duty. Scott wanted to run Cody in the National Bird Dog Challenge. To say Cody was successful at tournament hunts would not do him justice. A top 10 dog in his day with numerous State titles under his collar, Scott and Cody were an unstoppable team. They later finished Cody's Junior Hunter with the American Kennel Club. Brenna grew up a bit and put a working certificate on him at age 5. She loved her "big brother" who always had a kiss for her. Scott hunted Cody for years, teaching juniors to love the outdoors, and introducing many to the wonderful breed of Labradors. The last year of Cody's life, he slowed down a great deal. Scott still took him out a few times and he put up the pheasant again and again. It may have not been the 10 acre field cleared of birds in 3 mins, but he did the job. Cody took me on my first wild pheasant hunt. Sired our first litter of pups. Helped us make some of the dearest friends a person could ever have. He was the start of our kennel, the reason for the passion. More of a child than a dog. Scott says he will never have another like Cody and you never truly do. He will live on forever in our hearts and the memories we shared.
Keep checking on the Baby Cody.
Hunt'em Up Code man.
Find me a bird buddy and we will see you on the other side.
Good night boy.